I think it’s time for some real talk. I want this blog to be an open conversation, instead of me just talking to you and I don’t know about you but I have been going at 100 miles an hour lately. Between working full time, blogging, teaching dance (for those of you who don’t know I teach recreation dance for fun at night) and planning a wedding it’s hard to stay afloat sometimes.
Someone recently told me they didn’t handle stress well. This got me thinking, I pretty much live in constant state of stress, so I don’t know if I handle rest well.
Sometimes it feels like I inhale on Monday morning at 9 AM and don’t exhale on Friday at 5 PM. I’ve been trying to take moments throughout my day to rest and breathe.
Something that really spoke to me is, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:2
6 Ways to Find Rest
1. Routine
I wake up at the same time and start getting ready for bed at the same time everyday. If this doesn’t happen then my day is completely thrown off. This gives me a sense of peace as I start or end my day.
2. Exercise
I’ll admit I have been pretty bad about this lately, but I find when I go to barre class it takes my mind off work, relationships, things I need to do, people I need to email, etc. Working out is great for the body but it’s great for the mind as well.
3. Driving in silence
Ok, this doesn’t happen often because I am one of those people who likes to talk on the phone while I’m driving, but sometimes it’s nice to drive in silence. This gives me time to let my brain wander, now of course I think about the things I need to do but sometimes just having the silence clears my thoughts.
4. The right playlist
In the mornings at work when I’m doing routine daily tasks, I like to stick in my headphones and listen to my worship playlist on Spotify, this really sets my mind at ease and preps me for a good day. The playlist I listen to is below if you want to tune in.
5. Reading Quotes or The Bible
When I’m having a rough day or I am stressed I like to read my bible or if I don’t have time I will look up bible verses on Pinterest. I try to find a topic like stress relief, finding rest or giving up control and search them. It helps to just read multiple different verses or quotes and let your spirit be at peace.
6. Remind yourself what is important
At work people always say “at the end of the day, we are just selling clicks online not saving lives” (I work in adverting). This is so true and can be applied in so many ways. I try to remind myself with wedding planning that it is supposed to be fun not stressful or overwhelming and teaching dance is supposed to be a passion project and bring me joy by helping little ones and my blog is supposed to be a creative outlet not a stressor on top of work.
I hope you found this helpful and I hope you are able to decompress and breathe this week. Remember: “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. —Psalm 62:5–6
How do you find rest throughout your week? Are you living for the weekend or living every day?
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