Hey y’all!
My name is Angela, the blogger behind Thrifty Pineapple. Join me as we live life together and I share my life through fashion and lifestyle content. Whether you are a new mom, newly married, or just bought a house I have something for you.
Although I love a good deal, I do have a habit of splurging every once in a while. So I live by the motto that you have to save to splurge. You can expect to see realistic & affordable life and style inspiration for the everyday woman. I’ll show you how to find some really great fashion deals, but also help you know what pieces are worth investing in and what is worth saving.
My Story
I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX, and lived there just about my whole life (except for college where I studied in Abilene, Texas). I met my now-husband in college, who is super fashionable and cool. He wears a suit just about every day. What a stud, right? We got married in April of 2017, in our hometown of Fort Worth, which of course I blogged about. (Check out my wedding content here!) We have a sweet Cavalier King Charles pup, Beauregard or Beau for short.
My husband and I have moved around a little bit. We were previously in Fayetteville, AR for about 4 years, then Houston, TX but now reside in Dallas, TX.
In December of 2023, I gave birth to my previous son, Harrison. He made his arrival much sooner than anticipated so he spent some time in the NICU which was one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced. I was never the nurturing type but I absolutely love being a mom. It’s my single greatest accomplishment.
I’m also a working mom! Although I love blogging, I do work full-time in Marketing and LOVE it. Thrifty Pineapple serves as my creative outlet and I don’t have the intention on making this full-time – it’s just a little passion project, plus this allows me to be extra picky when working with brands and gives me the freedom to truly share what I think.
I’m still working on balancing all of the things so join me as I share everyday style and everyday life!
When Thrifty Pineapple first got started I was working in social media marketing in the hospitality industry. Did you know the symbol of hospitality is a pineapple? And of course, everything I share is affordable and realistic, hence the name Thrifty Pineapple. Pineapples are pretty much my life.
Let’s live life together!