Jared will tell you I’m a hoarder lol! Which ok…maybe I am, but I just get emotionally attached to items and I have a hard time getting rid of them or I feel guilty getting rid of them. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has a bag full of other nice bags from retail stores because they are too good of quality to just throw away. So I may not be the best person to share tips for cleaning out your closet but I have learned some tips that have really helped me!
Tips for Cleaning Out Your Closet
I’ve moved twice now two years in a row. An easy indicator was if I haven’t worn it since I moved it needs to go.
Another easy indicator was if it didn’t fit it needed to go. Of course, I have a goal of losing a few pounds but guess what if I do lose them I’m going to want to buy new clothes. So don’t hang on to those clothes hoping one day they’ll fit again.
I sold 88 items on Poshmark and donated probably 150-200 more items which I agree sounds ridiculous but this included everything from sleep clothes, to workout clothes, everyday items, and I’m ashamed to admit but things with tags still on them. If you are looking for some tips for selling on Poshmark, check out this blog.
If I had to guess I would say I still have about 200 items in my closet and dresser. So I would say I got rid of about 50-60% of the items in my closet. My goal is when I buy new things I need to get rid of the same amount of items…we’ll see how that goes.
Just like Marie Kondo suggests I pull everything out of my closet and drawers and go through each piece individually to decide whether to keep, sell or donate. This is my biggest tip because then I can hold it, touch it and feel it and decide if I like it or if it maybe doesn’t fit doesn’t go with anything else, is too itchy, etc.
I have one drawer in my dresser for jeans so I don’t let myself have any more jeans that will fit in my drawer. It’s a tight squeeze but everything fits.
I also find keeping a bin at the bottom of my closet for donations is a super-easy way to keep your closet manageable. When I try something on I don’t like or see something I know I won’t wear I toss it in there.
Now that I’m officially in our new house I plan on doing a second pass on my closet to see what else I can windle down to really maximize space and not just keep stuff for the sake of keeping it.
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