I have big news that I can finally announce! Well, some of you may have already guessed it buuut I’m moving! I got a new job working for a women’s retail brand headquartered in Fayetteville, AR. Everyone thinks Jared and I are crazy for moving and starting new jobs two months before we get married, which we might be, but you know there is no time like the present.
Jared and I prayed and thought about this decision for along time and ultimately we feel God is leading us in this direction. Jared and I have both lived in Fort Worth for basically our whole lives. We feel like if we don’t leave now we may never leave and there is a big world out there we are dying to explore. We really want to travel and live in different cities until we are ready to settle down. We don’t know what the future holds but we are so excited (and nervous) to embark on this journey.
Although not everyone has been supportive of this decision, we truly feel like this is the best thing for us right now. Who knows where we will be in a year from now, but right now we are moving to Fayetteville, AR. We are so grateful for the people in our lives who have been truly supportive and love us no matter what.
This is definitely going to be trial of trust and faith, as well as strength, but we are trusting this is God’s plan (even thought it’s hard). It’s very nerve-wrecking to move to a new city, not knowing anyone or anything, but it’s also a fresh clean slate. We look forward to making new friends, trying new restaurants, exploring new surrounding cities and traveling together.
If you are from North West Arkansas, please let me know if the comments below your favorite spots and things to do.
“You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” John 13:7
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