A few weeks ago, I went to the eye doctor, and to be really honest I am terrible at doing things like this (I’ll tell you about my latest dentist appointment another time). I, of course, have been paying for eye insurance for years but never go. Jared always makes fun of how blind I am, so I decided since my new insurance kicked in I should go to the eye doctor.
The real trigger for me was I worked from home for the past year and when I went back into the office I guess I didn’t realize how close I sat to the screens at home because at my new desk I could barely read the screens in front of me.
Low and behold I needed glasses, now this wasn’t a surprise to me because I’ve been prescribed glasses several times in my life but always stopped wearing them. I got glasses when I was in the fourth grade and my parents swore it was a phase and I just wanted glasses to be cool (they were probably right). Then fast forward to college, I was struggling to read the screens in the lectures so I got glasses again. I wore them for a solid 6 months and then never again. So I knew I needed glasses but I could see fine enough that I didn’t feel like it was a big deal to wear them or not wear them.
Throwback to my glasses in college:
After my most recent eye doctor appointment, I learned that basically, my right eye is the eye that struggles and my left eye overcompensates and does all of the work. That’s why it feels like I don’t necessarily need them. My right eye isn’t good with distance so when working on screens, driving (especially at night), watching movies it’s recommended I wear them.
I’ve always admired the branding and the company Warby Parker and luckily we have a few stores in Houston, so that is immediately where I started and luckily found a great affordable pair of glasses. The pair I went with was the Sadie in Sesame Tortoise With Polished Gold. They said it would take up to 10 days to get them in the mail but I think it ended up being around 5, and the whole process was seamless from picking them out to ordering to getting them in.
Warby Parker isn’t actually covered by my insurance but I read online that you can submit a claim to your insurance and they would cover the frames which is exactly what I did and I got reimbursed pretty quickly.
It definitely took some time adjusting to my new prescription but I can tell a HUGE difference in my vision now at work and while driving. I told Jared it’s like I can see in 4k now lol! This time I am pledging to wear them for more than 6 months and maybe y’all will keep me accountable.
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