On Sunday, I turned 25 and celebrated my birthday with my wonderful husband in Nashville. (Nashville recap coming soon.) On our drive home, I was doing some reflecting back on my 25 years of life and you know, I’ve learned a lot since 1992. Whether you are in high school or much older and wiser than me, I think you can probably relate or learn from one of the things below.
25 Things I’ve Learned In 25 Years
- Always listen to God . There’s been several times in my life, that everyone was telling me one thing, but in my gut I know God was saying something different. I’ve always tried to listen to Him and He’s never disappointed.
- Acne doesn’t go away when you leave high school. Adult acne is a thing and it sucks.
- Fake ’til you make it. This is my motto in life. Confidence is contagious and if you look like you know what you are doing, people will believe it and you’ll believe it.
- Being slow doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. Growing up I was always the youngest person in my grade and things didn’t come easy for me. I was the person to take the longest on tests, have the most homework and always had to study extra hard. This didn’t mean I wasn’t as smart it just took me longer to get to the same result.
- Dry Shampoo will save your life and time. This is a recent discovery and I don’t know how I lived before.
- Drinking is not a bad thing. I grew up in a family where alcohol was a taboo. This stuck with me as I got older. However, just because you drink doesn’t mean you are a bad person, just know your limit.
- Traveling is good for the soul. Get out and explore while you are still young!
- It’s ok to be weird. I am a weirdo to the max, but find people who love your quirks and embrace your weirdness.
- No one cares how cool you were when you were in high school. As soon as your graduate high school, no one cares if you were a cheerleader, if you were in the choir or if you did nothing.
- When it comes to friends, quality is better than quantity.
- Life’s short, eat dessert.
- It’s never too early to start saving. I saved a lot of money in college, which was a blessing when it came time to get married. I can’t recommend this enough. Save. Save. Save.
- There’s nothing wrong with calling your mom daily. I call my mom everyday on my way home from work and I know she’ll answer. If she doesn’t I call my sister. lol
- Splurging every once in a while is ok. If you see a pair of shoes you love, treat yourself.
- Getting a dog in college is not a good idea. I learned this the hard way. I was too young, didn’t have enough time and too cheap to invest in something other than myself. Luckily, we found a sweet loving family for her.
- All of the heartbreaks are worth it, when you find the one who will never hurt you. Heart breaks are no fun, but once you find the man of your dreams all of the tears are worth it. You have to kiss a bunch of frogs until you find your prince.
- Work life balance is VERY important. Work to live NOT live to work.
- Love your family, they’re the only one you’ve got. Growing up I HATED when people said this, but I get it now.
- When in doubt dance it out. Sometimes you just need a good dance party.
- Blue pleather pants are NEVER a good idea. I wish I could tell 4th grade Angela this on picture day.
- Find your passion. I LOVE dance. I taught dance all through college and continued once I graduated. I now teach an adult jazz class, not for the money, but truly as a creative outlet to express my passion.
- You don’t have to know what you want to do with your life when you graduate college. Seniors I am talking to you. You’re first job out of college does not determine the rest of your career. It’s ok to not know.
- Hustle and hard work pay off. Don’t take the short cut. Work hard and do what you need to do to achieve your goals.
- Never listen to haters. When I first started my blog, people thought I was weird and crazy for taking pictures of my outfits and posting them on Instagram. I would not have my job today or many of the amazing opportunities I’ve had if I would have listened to the haters.
- Be true to yourself and never apologize for it. You are the only you, don’t compare yourself. Find who you are, stick to it and DON’T apologize for it.
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Awesome post and happy birthday!
Thank you!!! I am so glad you liked it!
Happy Birthday!!! 🙂
Thanks Alyssa!
Lots of great wishes!! Those pictures so beautiful… Happy birthday Angela ??
Thank you so much!!