When you’re expecting, creating a baby registry can be overwhelming. TikTok knows you’re pregnant and is feeding you these videos of things you HAVE to have, however after 6-month these are things I constantly reach for and things I’m glad I splurged on and others I’m glad on saved on. Here’s a curated list of baby registry must-haves that have made my life easier and my baby happier.
To make it extra easy I’ve put it all in a spreadsheet for you with notes on each item and the items highlighted in green are immediate buys that will save your life in the newborn phase!
Click here: Comprehensive List of What You Actually Need on your Baby Registry
Why Choose Babylist for Your Registry?
I recommend creating a baby registry with Babylist. It’s a total game-changer. Babylist allows you to add items from any store, giving you the flexibility to choose exactly what you want from multiple retailers. The platform is user-friendly and intuitive, making it simple to organize your must-haves and nice-to-haves all in one place. Babylist also offers helpful guides and checklists to ensure you don’t miss any essentials. With its seamless interface, adding items, managing your list, and sharing it with friends and family is a breeze, making your preparation for your little one’s arrival stress-free and enjoyable.
Leverage Amazon Registry for Great Discounts
An Amazon registry is another must-have for expecting parents. Amazon offers an extensive selection of baby products, from everyday essentials to specialty items. One of the biggest perks of an Amazon registry is the completion discount, which allows you to purchase the remaining items on your list at a significant discount as your due date approaches. This can result in substantial savings, especially for bigger ticket items like strollers, car seats, and cribs.
What You Actually Need on Your Baby Registry: Essentials from a Mom of a 6-Month-Old
1. Diapers and Wipes
This might seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasizing. Stock up on diapers in various sizes and plenty of wipes. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you go through them. We prefer Millie Moon for their superior absorbency and gentleness on our baby’s skin as well as price. In our preemie newborn days, we preferred Pampers because that’s what worked the best on our small little man.
2. Onesies and Sleepers
Comfortable, double zipper onesies and sleepers are a must. Go for soft, breathable fabrics and ensure you have a mix of sizes. Babies grow faster than you’d think! Our favorites are from Old Navy, because of their affordable and solid colors. I would recommend buying at least 1 preemie onsies. Someone recommended this to me and it was so nice to have clothes for our little man when he made his unexpected arrival. Worst case you donate it and don’t need but best case you are prepared if you need it.
3. Swaddles and Sleep Sacks
In the first few months, swaddles are lifesavers for calming and soothing your newborn. As they grow, transition to sleep sacks for safe sleep. We love the Halo ones and had multiple. One thing I didn’t understand though is they are only in swaddled for 3-ish months (or once they start rolling). I had like 12 swaddles from different brands. I wish I had added more sleep sacks and transitional swaddles on my registry.
4. Baby Carrier
A baby carrier is invaluable for keeping your hands free while still keeping your baby close. It’s perfect for walks, chores around the house, and soothing a fussy baby. Mabe carriers offer excellent support and comfort for both baby and parent and is an Artipoppe dupe for a fraction of the price.
5. Stroller and Car Seat
Invest in a high-quality stroller and car seat combo. Look for something lightweight yet sturdy, with good maneuverability. I never understood why people had multiple strollers but NOW I get it! I love my Snap and Go for quick errands and eating out but our Mockingbird is our go-to big stroller for walks, days out, etc. Check out more details on the spreadsheet.
For our car seat, we went with the Nuna Pipa and I LOVE it! Worth every penny! (I just for the adapter for the Mockingbird). I wanted to invest in the car seat for safety but save on the stroller.
6. Breast Pump and Bottles
Whether you’re breastfeeding or not, a breast pump can be incredibly useful. Having a set of bottles that your baby likes is also essential. I loved my Blue Spectra and Willow Go Pumps for the most convenient way to pump. I credit a huge part of my pumping journey to these pumps. It maximized my output and helped me achieve my pumping goal.
Bottles, all of my friends use Dr Brown’s. They are good but every baby is different!
7. Diaper Bag
A spacious diaper bag that has plenty of pockets for organization is essential. We love the Beis Diaper Bag for its stylish yet functional design. It’s not overly feminine so Jared doesn’t mind carrying it.
8. Baby Monitor
Peace of mind is priceless. A reliable baby monitor helps you keep an eye (and ear) on your baby while they sleep. I believe DEEP in my soul that our Owlet camera was hacked. This is EXTREMELY common and I didn’t think it would happen to us until one night I woke up and saw the light on that someone was watching the camera while we were sleeping. We immediately switched to an old-school monitor and haven’t looked back. We do still use the Owlet sock but not the camera.
9. Baby Bathtub
Bath time can be a delightful bonding experience with the right tub. Choose one that fits your space and is comfortable for your baby. We adore Angelcare bath for its ergonomic design and safety features, but in the early days because he was so small we used the sink with one of those cushion flowers. We loved but if they poop in the bath it’s a bitch to clean!
Focus on these essentials and you’ll be well-prepared for your baby’s first months. Remember, every baby is different, so what works for one might not work for another. These items have been lifesavers for us, and I hope they make your parenting journey a little smoother too.
[…] Check out my other must have baby registry items. […]