Before all this quarantine craziness, one of the most asked questions I got in real life is “how do you paint your nails?” I’ve been painting my nails since I was a teenager (duh), but I really got serious about painting my nails about 5 years ago. Ever since then I have been painting my nails one to two times a week and my toes once every other week. Getting my nails painted is something I just can’t justify spending money on, I prefer doing it myself because I know exactly how I like it. Now that everyone is forced to do their own nails I thought I would share my process along with my favorite polishes.
I have quite the arsenal in my nail kit and have perfected my routine over the years. Below is a list of everything you will need. It seems extensive, but once you get it down it takes about 15 minutes.
Products For The Best At-Home Manicure
Step-By-Step Process
I first start by clipping my nails. I like them EXTREMELY short, this is one reason why I don’t like salons. They never seem to get them short enough. I then begin to shape them with the file. From there, I cut my cuticles back and buff my nails. I find buffing them gives them a little more grit and allows the polish to adhere to something.
The next few steps are pretty straightforward. One coat of base coat. Two coats of color. One top coat. After the topcoat comes in my secret weapon…drying drops. Drying drops are an oil-like substance that lets your nails drying in double triple the time. I can paint my nails and 15 minutes later go to bed with no sheet marks or jump in the shower and be completely fine!
My Favorite Nail Polish Colors
These colors are always in rotation. If you can’t tell my favorite colors are light pink or light nude, sometimes I go crazy with a red. I do own other colors, so sometimes I stray from my usual but they normally don’t last long because it just doesn’t feel like me.
The go-to colors that I reach for weekly are “Pinned to Perfection”, “Minimalistic”, and “Muchi Muchi”. For summer, I love “Delhi-Dance” and “Watermelon”. “Watermelon” is GREAT on the toes too.
Do you have a favorite color? Let me know in the comments below! I am always looking for my next go-to.
I love the dry drops! Such a game changer for at home manicures!